Market Returns and Presidential Elections
It’s a Presidential election year. What impact will that have on the markets, and in turn, your investments? Is this a question you have been asking yourself recently? If so, you’re not alone.
It’s a Presidential election year. What impact will that have on the markets, and in turn, your investments? Is this a question you have been asking yourself recently? If so, you’re not alone.
I love talking about the investments we recommend , and I love talking about the way financial markets are efficient and work well for the client. But when the subject turns to fees, I get uneasy...
As human beings we love to follow the trend. Suffice it to say most investors would not be pleased with their investment return if they did.
If there was someone out there that could accurately predict what the stock market was going to do, wouldn’t everyone have their money with that person? To take it a step further wouldn’t that expert stock picker just keep that knowledge to him or herself and profit immensely?
A popular question over the last couple years has been whether or not gold, or commodities in general, should be a part of a typical investment plan. What's right for your financial plan?